What brings you to Writers Networking? I identify as:

Writer, Freelance Editor, Other

What are some of your interests?

Fantasy, Music, nonfiction, Paranormal, Reading, Thriller, Writing

What school did you attend?

University of Delaware

What is your hometown?

Wilmington, Delaware

What do you write?

Fiction - nonfiction - poetry - song lyrics - humor - misc. 

What subjects do you write about?

A to Z and everything in between. 

Are you represented? If so, by whom? You don’t need to tell us.

Not represented.

Have you been published? If published, please tell us about it.

  • Staff writer, Avenues Magazine (with special focus on music and fine arts), misc. freelance

Were your books traditionally published? Were your books self-published? Or somewhere in between?

Currently publishing through Amazon Vella (search: Lee Rhea Penetralia)

What are you working on now? Are you currently shopping a project for publication?

Novel: Penetralia

Tell us about some of your favorite books, television shows or movies.

Books: Rose - Martin Cruz Smith - Desert Solitaire - Edward Abbey

Television: Grim, Criminal Minds, Stranger Things

Movies: Moonrise Kingdom, Isle of Dogs

What do you hope to see in Writers Networking? How can we serve you?

Inspiration, encouragement, friendship 

Can we quote you? Give us your favorite quote or saying.

If I state, “I am lying,” am I telling the truth? (Para. Epimenides)