
Sun City, AZ

What brings you to Writers Networking? I identify as:

Writer, Book Lover

What are some of your interests?

Outdoors, Reading, Travel, Writing

Company Name if any


What school did you attend?

Cal Poly Pomona

What is your hometown?

Makawao, Maui, Hawaii

What do you write?


What subjects do you write about?

Character driven stories.

What are you working on now? Are you currently shopping a project for publication?

Completing a fiction novel.

Shopping a new subject the the next novel.

Tell us about some of your favorite books, television shows or movies.

Books written well. Movies that bring people together. My interest is in people who are unlikely matches until they are thrown together.

What do you hope to see in Writers Networking? How can we serve you?

Exposure to those who care about the craft of writing.

Can we quote you? Give us your favorite quote or saying.

There is nothing more vulnerable than creativity (Brene Brown)

