Crossover YA


I'm deliberately asking this question here instead of in the YA forum. Do any of your read romance that is billed as YA? If so, I'm curious to know what you look for. Is it just paranormal, do you like contemporary, rom-com, what?

And if not, I'm curious to know why as well.

I've been a romance fan most of my life, tried writing with adult characters and just didn't feel right. Now I'm writing rom-com YA, but wondering if I'm the only "grown up" who also enjoys reading that.

Thanks for your feedback!

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  • Paranormal or contemporary doesn't matter for me. I read 'em. Jennifer Echols, Simone Elkeles are some great YA contemp writers.  I look for characters worth following and writing that forces me to forget I'm reading. =)



  • Don't remember if I've read Jennifer Cruise but I'll have to try her. I really like Janet Evonovich's Stephanie Plum series. The ones she writes that are not part of the 'by the numbers' series are kind of 'out there' but I like them anyway even if you have to stretch to believe some of it. 

  • No you are not the only one. I read just about anything that falls into my hands. I did enjoy the Twilight series and the Harry Potter series. Why? They were interesting and a little different and I got invested in the characters right away. I read mostly for entertainment so I like something that keeps going at a quick pace, I try to write my own books that way too. I read more adult novels also but sometimes get tired of the explicit sex in some of them. I love a book with good comedy also. I am definitely an adult, I'm in my early 60's.

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