
  • The only one I pay for is Australian Writers Marketplace, our equiv of US Writers Market. Approx $50 a year= approx US $15yr when applied in the market (monetary parity means nothing). The rest = free net advertising, occasional fest flyers, occasional radio talk or press article spots, workshops, word of mouth, client reference and testimonial, and most importantly website on P1 of the relevant keyword on www for your country.

    Which works best, Sharon? It's the combination, but probably website, word of mouth, Marketplace - in that order.

    Let's hear your experiences.

    • Most of my clients come to me by word of mouth, from referrals from past clients, and from publishers I have worked with. But I have also gotten some great editing jobs from my listing in the Editors Directory of the Editors Association of Canada. Leaving brochures on a display table at my city's main branch of the public library has also led to editing gigs. I've been considering whether to advertise in some writing-related publications and trying to weigh the cost against what might result. However, right now I have plenty of work, and editing gigs seem to come along by referral, so for me I don't feel it's urgent right now, but I'm always aware that when one is a freelancer, resting on laurels is never an option and so am always pondering what advertising methods could work best. 

  • To the editors on this thread: What forms of advertising have you tried and did it give you good results? 

    It would be great if we could have a discussion about which form of advertising works best for editors. 

  • Of course.

  • I definitely think so.  Just like freelance writers, we're offering people a service and the only way they'll know that service is available is with advertising.

  • Yes, I think it's a very good idea for freelance editors to advertise, as in any other business. The trick is to choose the right medium, as advertising rates can sometimes be quite expensive. But, judiciously chosen, a good advertisement can result in some great editing assignments. 

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